18 Things I Learned in 2018

Happy (almost) New Year! I can’t believe this year is coming to a close, it has flown by! This year has been a big year of personal growth for me and I wanted to reflect on a few things I’ve learned. Without further ado, here are 18 things I’ve learned in 2018. 

  1.  Health & happiness are truly all you need in life.  
  2. Friends will always be there for you at the end of the day
  3. Working hard is important, but it is more valuable to take time for yourself  
  4. Mental Health doesn’t have to be a sensitive topic & everyone should go to therapy at least once in their lives  
  5. Yoga can really influence your mood and outlook for the day  
  6. Community will always come together in times of tragedy  
  7. Things might not always go according to plan, and that’s okay  
  8. Listen to what you believe is best for yourself, even if it’s not what others expect you to do
  9. Parties are fun, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t go to one  
  10. Spend time doing little things that will make you happy, physically & mentally
  11. Turn off social media notifications!!  
  12. It’s possible to live a sustainable lifestyle and any price point & every small step towards sustainable living makes a difference  
  13. Plants can completely transform a room
  14. Speak up in class when you have a question or a contribution to a discussion
  15. You’ll always feel better after a run 
  16. New opportunities are always around the corner 
  17. The Five-Minute Journal is a great outlet to reflect & express gratitude 
  18. Don’t take 100 steps for someone that won’t take 10 for you 

I hope 2019 brings you heath, happiness, love and everything you’ve ever wanted. 


Happy New Year college girls xx

Sarah Howard